I am fortunate enough to have already been able to cross off some items from my life list, things such as go hiking in a rainforest (in puerto rico), see the Rolling Stones live in concert, see a live sea turtle, go to a Regina Spektor concert with my husband (she's our fav), backpacking through eastern europe, road trip through Mexico inspired by the Motorcyle Diaries (years ago when it was safer). Writing down my list has been so theraputic for me in dealing with a less than perfect job, it reminds me that life can still be an exciting adventure and it gives me something to look forward too. Also, I believe that if you write something down, it will happen, try it!
My Life List (so far)...
1. Become a yoga teacher
2. Attend a Holi celebration (Color Festival) In northern India
3. Swim with great white sharks (in a cage)
4. Learn how to make a really good parisian macaroon
5. Give birth naturally, outside of a hospital, with no pain meds (laugh all you want, I think I can do it!)
6. travel somewhere awesome with my grandma, mom, and sister
7. Roadtrip across North America
8. All out food adventure in Franch
9. All out food adventure in Italy
10. Guest host/appear in a cooking show
11. Get a black belt in a martial art
12. Become a registered dietitian
13. Experience zero gravity
14. learn how to SCUBA dive, and dive in an amazing coral reef
15. Do the voice for a cartoon (don't care if it's in a movie, just something for myself)
16. Gain more self discipline
17. Participate in some kind of cooking competition
18. Go whale watching
19. Learn how to sew
20. Be more physically fit than I ever have been
21. Eat fresh seafood in Maine
22. See penguins in antartica
23. See polarbears in the arctic circle
24. Brew my own beer
25. Preform an awesome action/fighting sequence like in a movie (I think there is some company that does this in Japan)
26. Travel to all 7 continents
27. Meet a real geisha in Japan
28. Read all the Harry Potter books to my children
29. Get a half sleeve tattooed on my upper arm
30. Live on a little farm in the country
31. Volunteer/work closely with animals
32. Build my dream home with my husband
33. Successfully quit a bad habit
34. Learn how to swing dance
35. See Metallica in concert
36. Stop being jaded
37. Have a group of close female friends
38. Learn how to cook italian food
39. Become an expert gardener of vegtables and fruit
40. Swim with dolphins
41. Shave my head
42. Rock a karyoke preformance to The Clash "Train in Vain"